Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Oy Vey!!

What a night! I was actually sleeping, well, as much as you can with this crap sick we all seem to have. At 1 a.m. one of the dogs decided she needs to go out. Ok, not a big deal, I need a cough drop anyway. Well, its the oldest dog, so I have to carry her outside and down the stairs and when she is done carry her back up the stairs and into the house. Doesn't sound too hard, right? WRONG. it was -20 below, slick and snot on the stairs and I was dizzy!! But I got her out, got my cough drop and got her back in. As I sat on the couch sucking on my cough drop, I realized that the heater didn't sound right. The house wasn't cold, so I just figured my ears were plugged up again and that was the reason. I finished my cough drop and went back to me warm bed. At 7 The Godsband and I both woke up at the same time to this strange grating noise. We laid there and listened for a few minutes and then figured out the bedroom was C.O.L.D. The Godsband got up and started investigating and find that the heater motor is burning hot, but the heater is not kicking the blower on. If we hadn't woken when we did, it probably would have caused a fire. So, here we are, -15 below zero by this time, and no heater. We do, thankfully have a small pellet stove, but it only heats the living room and we don't run it at night. So we are all now piled in front of the stove keeping warm. The electrician has been called and should arrive this afternoon to look at the heater. I hope he can fix it and not have to go in search of new parts and what not. I really don't want to sleep in the living room with 4 dogs, 2 cats and the Godsband piled on top of me. LOL
Note to self..when its -20 below at 1 a.m. and that pesky voice tells you, that doesn't sound right...LISTEN! ;)


Grace said...

Wow, Em! What a miracle! Isn't it funny how Our Guardian Angels (smiling here) come via weird inconveniences to actually protect us?

Em said...

LOL It really is, Grace. If we had slept just one more hour, we could have woken up to our house being on fire! Scary!

Em said...
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Em said...
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AuntyTeeni said...

What's up with those deleted posts? Anyhoo - I hope you are warm now. I am working on my post and putting my links in so you are still on my mind, lady! :)

Anonymous said...

omg, I hate that pesky voice! I hate it even more when I ignore it! I'm so glad you, your huz, and the pets are ok! Hope it was fixed! I will listen to that voice- good advice!

Em said...

Teeni, that would be where your every so wonderful author got trigger happy with the post comment button *~* LOL
Thanks JavaQueen, Its all fixed now and yes, please do listen to that voice!!

Slyde said...

wise words. when its cold out, and i am warm snug in my bed, NOTHING short of a fire will get me out of it...

Em said...

Thanks for stoping by, Slyde! Hope to see you over at the new place too.