Thursday, January 29, 2009


I am making the move to Word Press. You can now find me here

See you soon! :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Oy Vey!!

What a night! I was actually sleeping, well, as much as you can with this crap sick we all seem to have. At 1 a.m. one of the dogs decided she needs to go out. Ok, not a big deal, I need a cough drop anyway. Well, its the oldest dog, so I have to carry her outside and down the stairs and when she is done carry her back up the stairs and into the house. Doesn't sound too hard, right? WRONG. it was -20 below, slick and snot on the stairs and I was dizzy!! But I got her out, got my cough drop and got her back in. As I sat on the couch sucking on my cough drop, I realized that the heater didn't sound right. The house wasn't cold, so I just figured my ears were plugged up again and that was the reason. I finished my cough drop and went back to me warm bed. At 7 The Godsband and I both woke up at the same time to this strange grating noise. We laid there and listened for a few minutes and then figured out the bedroom was C.O.L.D. The Godsband got up and started investigating and find that the heater motor is burning hot, but the heater is not kicking the blower on. If we hadn't woken when we did, it probably would have caused a fire. So, here we are, -15 below zero by this time, and no heater. We do, thankfully have a small pellet stove, but it only heats the living room and we don't run it at night. So we are all now piled in front of the stove keeping warm. The electrician has been called and should arrive this afternoon to look at the heater. I hope he can fix it and not have to go in search of new parts and what not. I really don't want to sleep in the living room with 4 dogs, 2 cats and the Godsband piled on top of me. LOL
Note to self..when its -20 below at 1 a.m. and that pesky voice tells you, that doesn't sound right...LISTEN! ;)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Snowy Monday

Well, we have had a very mild winter and were getting a little worried about water this summer. If this storm keeps up, I think we can stop with the worry LOL. We got a foot over night Sat. night and another foot last night. We put off going to town because I was sick --still am-- so we are kind of stuck LOL Oh well. Could be worse, I guess. Gives me a little more time to get back on my feet anyway. :) Hope you all have a great day!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Mystic Emerald

Well, along with web sets, I am now offering custom Word Press themes. So far I only have one lay out, but its a very nice lay out, I think. Anyway, I cant figure out how to do payments. I went to sign up for pay pal and got a very bad feeling, so clicked out in a hurry LOL Do any of you guys use it? Im so leary with all that is going on, and I would hate for myself or someone purchasing something from me to get ripped off or anything else. I thought about just having checks sent through the mail, but, man that could take so long! Some people I would trust enough to give them their download before I recieved payment, but strangers would have to wait until I got it and then until it cleared, and Im not sure how that would go over. Any ideas? Suggestions?
Anyway, I am still fighting the train that hit me. But I do feel better today. I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I have been hit by a train. Im not sure if the train is called common cold or sinus infection, but its a very big train. I woke this morning and my neck was swelled all up and it hurt to swallow. Had a fever, stuffed up head and cant hear..Worse than normal LOL Im really hoping it doesnt stick around long. I hate being sick! I hope you all are having a great day!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I am an American!

The Godsband and, as I am sure a lot of you, have been glued to the television since 7:30 this morning. We watched as Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States of America. It took my breath away.
I watched with goosebumps, tears and a heart full of pride, as he made one of the most inspiring speeches I have ever heard. As I listened and watched, I could not help but think about all the changes that have taken place in this wonderful country over the past 200 or so years. I am so proud of how far we have come!
Yes, our country is having a very hard time right now. The economy is in the toilet, there is the constant fear of terror attacks, we are at war...I don't need to list it all. You are aware of it. But you know, I think this man is really going to make a difference. I think he is really going to kick some butt and try.
Keep in mind, he cant really do squat without the support of the congress and the senate, but I do believe with all my heart that he is going to fight to get his changes made, and fight hard.
I am not a party voter, I vote for the person I feel is going to do the best job. The person I trust to hand over the reigns of my country and say "Here you go, please take care of us". I have a huge amount of respect for anyone willing to even consider taking the job of President. HUGE! whether it be the person I voted for or not, the President deserves our respect and our support.
I try very hard not to judge our Commander in Chief. I'm not sitting in the Oval Office. I have no idea what the days are like and half the things he faces and has to make decisions on, we never know, thankfully. I honestly believe that they all do the very best that they can, and make the choices that they truly feel are right.
In this case, I did vote for Obama, and especially after listening to his inaugural speech, I am convinced I made the right choice.
The historical aspect of this day is just staggering! I recently re-read the book ROOTS. Reading that book, and knowing the history or African Americans, it is just absolutely amazing that we have come so very far. "Chicken George" must be crowing like crazy up there in Heaven! I am not African American, but I cant help but feel their pride! It just makes my heart so full to know and to see that we really do live in a country where anyone can be anything!
I also know that Feb. 12 will be the bicentennial of Abraham Lincoln's birth. How ironic and wonderful that the birth of the man, in part, who made it possible for African Americans to strive to such great and wonderful heights, and the inauguration of the first African American President coincide so closely, and how fitting that President Lincoln is being made such a part of the festivities. Right down to the menu for the inaugural lunch.
Our forefather's are alive and well in the spirit of this presidency, and it just makes me so proud!
We will continue to watch the fesitivities though out the day and night knowing, just as we knew on election day that we are participating in a huge historical event.
I have never been more proud to be an American than I am right now, and I pray that this man will be safe, and carry out, what I think, will be a wonderful presidency!
God bless President Obama and his family, and God Bless the USA!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Just to let you guys know I will, in the near future be moving my blog over to my own domain using Wordpress. Blogger is nice, but, as you guys know, I like changing my layout and theme and its much easier to do on wordpress. Just wanted to let ya know that the move is coming ;)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

a few pictures for you all

The Godsband and I took a ride out to the desert today and I got some really nice pictures. these are just a few of them. Enjoy!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Blog themes and layouts

I have been trying to figure out how to create blog themes and layouts for awhile now. I have just about got wordpress themes down. Almost. I havent tried Blogger yet. One thing I do see that I dont like about blogger is when you change your layout, you lose all your widgets and links. I really dont like that, myself, and I can imagibe people that have years worth of stuff on thier blog widgets dont like it much either. So, to me, when using Blogger, it would probably be best to stick with one layout, changing the colors and header when you want something different. Right? Wordpress, now thats a whole new ball game. As long as you use a widget ready theme, everything stays put, if I remember correctly. Teeni, is that right?
Anyway, the entire purpose of this post was to let you all know that I am making progress on blog themes for Wordpress and should be able to offer them soon. :)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Well, I dood it!

As my Grandson would say, I dood it! My business is up and running. I only have 2 sets up at the moment, havent had time to make more than that, but they are there and ready to sell.
I sure hope this works, cause Im really excited about it! If anyone would like to check it out, the address is Let me know what you think!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

To Jump or not to jump...That be the question

I have been wanting to open an Internet business for a long time. I love making graphics and websets. I went to school to learn how to make graphics and websets even better. I bought the domain for my business, I graduated with my sweet 4.0 gpa, and then..I stalled. Im on the fence, and its giving me a wedgie. We spent all that money and I spent most of last year studying my brains out, so I really should at least try to do something with it, right? But then I have put things out there before only to be told they are ugly, or childish or just not good enough. What might I be told when they arent even free? I know. My self esteem is at it again. But really. I am sitting here at a loss. Its a really scary thing to put your hard work out there to be dumped on. I want to be up to that...guess there is only one way to find out if I am eh? *sigh*

The Diva's Crusade

The Diva is on a crusade! A wonderful crusade to give all us bloggers something to say when we are at a loss for words while reading other's blogs. Two sweet little words to make it known we liked what we read, we enjoyed our time there, but we just have no words....Go Here to find out all about it!

Monday, January 12, 2009


So, I have been picked by The Diva to be interviewed. This was really kind of fun! Hope you all enjoy reading it. If you would like to be interviewed, follow the directions at the bottom of the post.
An interview from The Diva.
1. You've decided to quit smoking this year, What made you decide to quit and what has been the most difficult aspect of quitting so far?
Well, The Godsband and I both decided to quit. We had actually quit before and I had a set back this summer. My setback became his set back and before we knew what hit us, we were back to smoking regularly. I hit a pack a day and said, enough. The hardest thing so far is I cant sleep. I have not smoked for 4 days and I havent slept either. Thats harder than the wanting to smoke! LOL
2. I gather from reading your blog that you had a nasty run in with an internet bully, what made you decide to take a stab at the wide world of blogging again?
I love blogging. I made some really good friends from my other blog, and I missed the everyday "contact" The internet bully wasnt blogger, but from an email list. Once she found my blog I had no peace, so I decided to close up shop. I decided to come back because it was stupid to let someone like that ruin my fun time for me. I did do a "makeover" with my ID and such. I dont think I ever intended to be gone for good ;)
3. You are kickin' back with a cocktail and your favourite book. What are you drinking, and what are you reading?
Wow. This is a hard one. I would probably be drinking water. I love wine, but it makes me want to smoke so, yeah, water. As for the book...I have been an avid reader since I learned how to read, I average 1 to 4 books a week, so to pick a favorite are just so many wonderful ones that I have read and the list of ones I want to read is still so long! LOL I dont think I can pick a favorite. I honestly dont! I can tell you what I WONT be reading tho! How about that? Mobey Dick! The most boring book I have ever laid hands and eyes on!! LOL I wont be reading that one again!
4. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
It was a toss up between a Marine Biologist and lawyer. Yeah, I had BIG dreams!
5. What do you want to be now?
The best I can be...Wouldnt mind being a veterinarian....
Want to be interviewed? Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me." I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Friday, January 9, 2009


I am going into hibernation until Monday. I bought chick flixs, books and lots of fresh fruits and veggies. My fav Pjs are ready and waiting for me. This weekend is all about me. Me me me me! Yep! Im being selfish. But not really because when I emerge from the depths of my comfort zone on Monday morning I will be a NON SMOKER! Well, thats the plan anyway LOL.
Have a great weekend and I will see you Monday!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wii Fit

Well, I finally found one yesterday and I LOVE it! I got it all set up yesterday afternoon and did a small workout. Thinking I had done wonderfully yesterday I was a bit put off when I got on this morning and it told me I had gained 1.1 pound. I ate nothing but salad yesterday! That is one thing Im not sure I like is that it checks your weight daily. I will have to see if I can work around that. Anyway, today I did a full round of Yoga, strength training and aerobics. Man am I tired! LOL I had my slim fast shake for breakfast and a lean pocket with a glass of V8 Fushion for lunch. I plan on doing some tennis later, or maybe just some of the balance games.
On the smoking side...Im not doing well at all. I made the difficult call to the Dr. this morning asking for help. I am waiting for a call back to see if he will put me on something without seeing me. The roads and weather are just terrible, so driving the 4 hours to see him isnt going to work right now. If he cant do it without seeing me I will ask his advice on something OTC. I need to do this. I want to do this. I just need some help, and so far Im not finding it.
So, I guess its back to my laundry and wait for the phone to ring ;)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Good Morning

Well, its been cold here! Last night was -22 below and night bfore was -30 below. As you can see, we are all looking for those warm and cozy spots! I dont know what she is going to do when I do the laundry LOL
I listened to my hypnosis thing last night before I went to sleep. Im not sure, but I think it might work. I have smoked today, but there is less of a compulsion, and the cigs dont taste the same. So I am hopeful. I am suppose to listen everyday for 2 weeks. Longer if I need it. I hope it works!!
I have been playing my Wii Tennis everyday and I really like it. Im getting pretty good too, if I do say so myself! I havent lost any weight yet, so I really need to kick start the old diet again. Now if I could just find a Wii Fit ( I actually have found a few online but the are almost $200!!) I will be all set.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

-30 below

Yep! It is -30 below here this morning. Our first subzero temps of the new year. Im am not sure if Im happy about it or not LOL 

I downloaded a self hypnosis CD from iTune yesterday and have been listening to it. So far it isnt doing much but relaxing me. I still want to smoke and I do :( I know I can do this. I just have to convince that little part of my brain that I can. It doesnt want to listen LOL
I hope you all are having a safe and warm day. :) Im trying to talk the Godsband into going to town. Problem is, we have no real reason to go. I just want to LOL So, we probably wont LOL

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 3 into 2009

So, Ive been 40 for 3 days. Its not so bad! Wonder what I was having such a fit about? LOL Except for the sensation of my skin peeling off when I tried the cold turkey quit, its actually been very peaceful ;)

I have a friend that is sending me some subliminal MP3s to quit smoking. I like this idea! Im really not wanting to go on more meds, especially after the horrible experience we just went through trying to get me off the Celexa because of side effects. My head still has the zings and its been 4 weeks! Dont want to do that again! So Im kind of turned off of meds at the moment. Subliminal works for me! Well, I hope! LOL 
I will keep you all posted!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Day 1 a bust

So, I caved. This is a lot harder than I remember it being last time! The Godsband and I have decided Monday Morning we will be calling the Dr. to get me some help. If I ever get quit again I will NOT make the mistake of thinking I can smoke just 1. This is awful! Now on top of it all I feel like a failure. :(

Day 1....Withdrawal sucks!

I have been without a cigarette for almost 14 hours. Ok, so I was asleep for 9 of those, but still. Im really starting to feel it. My eyes feel like they are bugging out, my ears feel strange, Im having a hard time swallowing. 

I WANT A CIGARETTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, that helped a little. LOL Man this is going to be a long day. I keep telling myself if I can just make it through today I will be fine.....

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Birthday Gifts

Some of you may remember that I collect Cabbage Patch Kids. This is my newest one that the Godsband got me for my birthday. Bethany Grace. I just love her. I also got a very pretty pink iHome, and some wonderful pics of my nephews. 

The Godsband and I tried, but didnt make it until midnight last night. Neither of us slept the night before so we were pooped. Thats ok. The new year came in anyway. It didnt need our help. LOL I hope you all stayed safe and enjoyed bringing in the New Year!